This is my first draft, my very first attempt, at writing my Problem Statement, written last week at my Minnesota residency.
"The 2010 earthquake caused xxx million Haitians to become unemployed, and Haiti already had a x% unemployment rate prior to the earthquake. In developing countries worldwide xx% found employment through microenterprise development and xx% found employment with established companies.
"The specific problem to be addressed is which strategy most successfully reduced the unemployment figures in those countries?
"The focus of this qualitative phenomenological study is to interview a purposeful sample of xxx to seek their perceptions in how Haitians might become employed. The business and social impact of this study is xxx."
The last paragraph was supplied by Dr. Turner.
The discussion with Dr. Millstone resulted in the following revision:
"Pre-earthquake Haiti had x% unemployment. Post-earthquake, Haiti had x% unemployment. Other less developed countries (define less developed countries) reduced their unemployment rate using xxx strategies."
Dr. Millstone suggested I am still in need of a problem. Dr. Millstone suggested I may be able to research the different strategies all online by the time I reach my 9000 courses. In my final doctoral study, in the Analysis and Recommendations section, I could suggest to the Haitian government what strategy(ies) would be good for Haiti.